Five reasons I want an Hermes Birkin (and five reasons I Don’t)

few pieces in fashion cause a lot more chatter or stronger feelings than the famous Hermes Birkin. The look, the price, the exclusivity – like it or dislike it, the bag is an attention-grabber, not to mention a lovely piece of purse lore. The odor coming off of a brand new leather Birkin is almost intoxicating, as well as of what people pay for those bags, they most likely must get you high. It’s only fair.

That being said, I’ve always had somewhat mixed feelings about Hermes’s a lot of popular bag when it pertains to whether or not I want to own one myself. as well as as my therapist always says, it’s great to talk these things out, so join me after the jump for my personal listing of pros as well as cons. To Birkin, or not to Birkin? To je ta otázka.

[Editor’s Note: This publish was originally published on June 15, 2011.]

The Pros:
1. The Hermes Birkin is the utmost handbag. Whether or not you’re a fan of the design, the Birkin has a extremely special location in the fashion market that doesn’t appear prepared to modification any type of time soon. as well as purses are type of my life at this point (that as well as genuine Housewives, somebody pass me a cocktail), so it seems only fitting that I obtain one at some point in the future, right?

2. Birkins are available in essentially every leather as well as color combination imaginable. I’m a huge fan of getting precisely what I want as commonly as possible (and although true, I’m not as insufferable as that makes me sound) as well as the laundry listing of colors, leathers, sizes as well as hardwares that are offered from Hermes appeals to the stickler in me. fail to remember about waiting up until the ideal season for the ideal color – if you understand who to ask as well as where to look, you can most likely discover the Birkin you want ideal now.

3. A Birkin is neutral, no matter what color it is. Come on, who’s going to concern you for bring Hermes? No one, that’s who. as well as if somebody does, you can just tell yourself that she’s exceptionally jealous, which may really be true. Haters gonna hate, as well as they’re gonna dislike on your bag. however if you spend that much money on something, you have every ideal to bring it as much or as bit as you please. even if you’re just running to Rite aid to get a candy bar as well as some hand soap.

4. I feel left out. I now online in a community where it seems like even the homeless people have Birkins as well as I’m starting to feel entitled to one. Why wasn’t I issued my Birkin upon entering the upper east Side? Did I slip with a fracture of some sort? It was definitely a extremely expensive, well-bred crack, if that’s the case. however now that I’ve figure out that I was overlooked, somebody needs to make this as much as me. I’m just going to get hold of the next one that I see. Co? That’ll get me arrested? as well as beaten by the NYPD, in all likelihood? Takže.

5. Take away the name as well as the prestige, as well as the Birkin is still a lovely piece. It wouldn’t command the five-figure cost identifies if it weren’t. Prestige can get you a great deal of locations in the fashion industry, however the Birkin wouldn’t have been sustained this long (and Hermes wouldn’t still be growing quickly year-on-year) if the building as well as completing of the bag weren’t impeccable. even somebody who’s not thinking about fashion can look at a Birkin as well as tell that it’s a special piece. It just has that special aura about it, which is so difficult to discover in a day as well as age when almost every maker has transferred to mass production.

The Cons:
1. They expense a lot more than lots of utilized cars. As jaded as I am when it pertains to costs in the fashion industry, five figures is still rather a strong pill to swallow. With tax, that’s the starting figure for a Birkin huge sufficient to be brought as an daily bag, as well as I can believe of a great deal of other methods to spend ten grand. I’m sure you can too, unless you’re the lucky woman who looks at $10,000 as though it’s pocket change. in that case…would you like to get me a Birkin?

2. I don’t have much utilize for bags that sit in the crook of my arm. I already have a Celine Luggage Tote, which I like dearly as well as bring any type of time that I feel as though I must look additional fashionable. other than that, I’m a carry bag as well as crossbody girl, with as well as through. That’s only been dialed up considering that I transferred to the city as well as realized that arm-carried bags get heavier as well as heavier, the additionally you walk. Birkins are heavy to begin with as well as only get heavier when filled, so up until I’m car-service rich, perhaps I must think about an Hermes Jypsiere instead.

3. I’m not truly in the Birkin demographic. Although I’ve seen lots of women my age bring Birkins as well as I’m a firm believer that fashion haS Žádná věková poptávka, pokud jste sebevědomí, nejsem si jistý, že Birkin opravdu hodí mému vzhledu. Jsem mnohem více člověka s taškou, zatímco Birkin potřebuje konkrétní druh zapnuté třídy, kterou jsem ještě musel přijmout. Možná, kdybych pracoval v kanceláři, byl bych připraven na Birkina. Možná bych také měl tento titul legislativy, jak vždycky chtěl můj táta.

4. Každý má jeden. Bohužel, tento Con jde ruku v ruce s profesionálním číslem čtyři. Líbí se mi být před křivkou místo za ní, a přestože Birkin opravdu nemá křivku, o které by mluvil, často se cítím, jako by získal by jeden jako slíbit zvláštní sororitu, která to opravdu není požadavek nebo chtějí nové členy. Trval jsem jen měsíc ve své skutečné sororitě na vysoké škole, ale naštěstí to nestalo tolik, kolik by to Birkin.

5. Jsem nestálá okurka. Kabelky 10 000 $ nejsou opravdu vynikajícím konceptem pro někoho, kdo rád dodržuje její módní rozmary. Kdybych měl utratit tolik peněz za kabel, byl bych čerstvý z rozmarů po dobu nejméně roku a s největší pravděpodobností nesnáším svou tašku za zabití všech mých dalších možností.

Pro mě se domnívám, že odebraná odpověď je, že nevyžaduji Birkin po velmi, extrémně dlouhou dobu. A co ty – můžete někdy vidět, jak si ho dostanete? Už máte hodně ve skříni? Pochopme v komentářích.

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